Our Project

Who is sending us?
The SIM (Serving in Mission). The SIM is a missionary and non-profit organization serving churches around the world. It has been working for over 120 years in approximately 70 countries, with nearly 4,000 employees worldwide.
Who will be financing this work?
We are volunteering and will not be paid by our ‘sending institution’, the SIM. They will mainly manage our logistical and support needs. We are planning to create a ‘support network’ that will enable us to cover our basic living costs. The support network will be comprised of our families, friends, and acquaintances who wish to support our project through their donations. If you would like to support us or simply receive more information on our plans, please do fill in this form.
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If you would like to receive our newsletter, please register here.
For any enquiry, do not hesitate to contact us!

Thank you for your interest in our project!

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