A school like no other

13 May, 2023

Five years ago almost to the day, we set foot on Liberian soil for the first time. Far from imagining what awaited us, we were ready to face the unknown.

For Theotime and Simeon

I often wonder how our children, Theotime and Simeon in particular, experienced this change. When I look back, I tell myself that they have seen a lot. And that they met some challenges. Arriving in a country where they didn't know the language, in a school where they were the only white people, putting on their uniforms every morning (yes, it's a big adjustment!), driving 1h30 to go to school in a traffic very different from Switzerland, they showed great courage at the age of 4 and 6. Then they were temporarily accepted in a small private class of another NGO with an American teacher and some children. It was a temporary solution that was a great relief to us.


Covid and baby 4 arrived at the same time and we were back in Switzerland for 10 months. And here we are, readjusting in the other direction. Back in Liberia (February 2021) they will join a temporary class with a young American teacher. We hope to open a school for the children of missionaries on the campus and we start the steps. It seems that everything is falling into place and we have a couple interested in coming to teach. At the last minute (in July!), we learn that they will not come.

So we have to enroll our children in a private school in town, a Liberian-American school. Back to uniforms, long journeys, compulsory wearing of masks. A school whose system is very different from what we know. Parents and children went through a phase of adaptation that was not always easy. But the presence of some good friends helped a lot.

A new stage

After a year of work, we were finally able to open a school on campus for the missionary children. We will finish the first year in a few weeks! What a milestone! Two minute bike ride, multi-grade classes, 3 dedicated and enthusiastic teachers, over 8 different nationalities. This is a warm family school where the children thrive and feel good! We are very grateful for this school year.

  • Theotime: "I like this school because the teachers are fun and I like our little library."
  • Simeon: "I like this school because I get to see all my friends and play chess and puzzles."
  • Gabriel: "I like this school because we do coloring."

Melvina, Nicolas, Theotime, Simeon, Gabriel and Caleb