Before leaving

25 Apr, 2018

En Avril… n’ôte pas un fil ?

In french, we have a saying: In April, do not take off a single thread. This year we can put it aside! Our boys have been playing in swimsuit the whole afternoon in the garden!

Almost behind us ...

Last month's tempo was set by sorting, piles of things to put "hmm..., wait we'll see later!", suitcases to weigh, balance, ..., "ah 22kg100..., we can add another 900 gr there!", purchase, letters and phone calls. But happily the tempo was also set by quality time with our families and friends, time outdoor (even a fondue on a terrace!), in the woods and by the lake, sharing and support, letters and lovely messages.

In front of us ...

We are almost finished with our 10 suitcases of 23kg. The remainder will go (hopefully!) in the carry-on baggage! Sunday, Mai 6th we will fly to Monrovia via Brussels (12 hours trip, from 7am to 7pm). There, we will be expected and a renovated house is waiting for us. We will have the whole month of May to settle down. Since we have not taken yet a final decision for the schooling of Théotime and Siméon, we will visit different schools.

Here are our last news from Switzerland, the next ones will be more exotics :)

Best wishes,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel