The work

26 Jun, 2018

And the school?

8 weeks went by since we boarded the airplane in Geneva... it seems so far away! Lots of things are happening here and it is difficult to sort out what we would like to share with you, but don't worry, we are doing well. The kids are getting used to their new school. The most difficult part being the chatting in Liberian English with the other kids. On the other hand their American English is getting better rapidly ! It's amazing ! Have a look at them in their school uniforms, custom made :) Gabriel has well adopted his childminder Felicia, together they cook for us Liberian food every Friday, we are very glad to have her with us!

And the tooth ?

Melvina has started at the dental clinic twice a week. Taking teeth out is her daily bread ! And sometimes the crust is hard ... But luckily there are two dentists in training, which she regularly coaches. It allows her to rest her biceps from time to time and to have an interpreter "Is it painful ?" no no..."Tooth hurting bro?" (Typically used for male patient in Liberian English ;))

And the computers ?

Nicolas is discovering the IT structure of ELWA compound. He takes advantage of the presence of Steeve, a computer specialist from Malawi coming to help for 3 months. The cables are in place and the computers are running, but there is still some work to be done.

To shift the hospital from paper to electronic will be a big challenge. With on one hand the installation of software and on the other user's training. Indeed, turning on a computer, entering a password, saving documents, may seem basics, but when you do not work with those machines, you still need to start learning how to use them!

The rainy season has arrived and therefore we enjoy the sun when he is out (for example to dry our laundry !)

Best wishes from Africa,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel.