A Monday

29 Jul, 2018

The morning

We invite you to experience one of our Mondays! We usually do not need an alarm. We have our own natural alarms. They are called Gabriel or Siméon and are set up for around 5:30 to 6:30. Nicolas is appointed chief of the porridge. We spice it up with banana and chocolate powder. "Eat… Eat… Put on your uniform! Where are your socks? And the schools bags? Quick, the teeth!"

07:15 am, leaving for school. National anthem and morning assembly start at 7:50 am. At home, Melvina and Gabriel welcome Felicia at 08:30 am. "The food is there, he will eat at 10:30 am, he is clean!". 08:45 am, Nicolas is already typing on his keyboard and Melvina is ready to pull out ;) on Mondays around 35 patients are taken in as emergency.


At twelve: Melvina has a lunch break and Nicolas picks up the two big ones. Théotime and Siméon have had their first lunch at school, rice every day with its spicy sauce… so, sometimes it becomes "only rice!". At home, it's Liberian food if Felicia has cooked or bread, cucumber, and whatever we found to add on the bread: guacamole, some chicken spread, salami or peanut butter. The boys usually eat again at 13:00 pm once back. At this time, Melvina has already eaten, cuddled Gabriel and is back to her patients. Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel spend the afternoon with Felicia. And if the weather is nice, they mostly play outside with the neighbours.

End of the day

Late afternoon : Mummy is back, report from Felicia, Daddy is back, making of the dinner, and… "wash your hands, dinner is readyyyyy… eat… eat… here is your pyjamas, come brush your teeth!" story and sleep! And then comes the time for the dishes, bleaching of fruits / vegetables, cleaning, emails and sometimes phone calls, the fresh/cold shower (different opinion here…) and the night! The Tuesdays ? Melvina makes one trip to school at lunch time and takes the time to regularly do the grocery shopping.

Weather forecast of the family

Théotime:Some storms "Switzerland sickness". His biggest sunshine periods are the times spend playing with the neighbours!
Siméon:The main cloud is the fatigue caused by the adaptation and the learning of English! Jumps in the waves and crabs huntings are his maximal amount of sunshine.
Gabriel:His weather is mostly like a sunny day. When a storm comes, Daddy and Mummy think that it is probably the teeth!
Melvina:A fog regularly covers the sun; the fatigue and missing her friends and family, the overwhelming feeling of new things to deal with. Her sunshine are resting time and/or encounter at the beach, the success of a good meal, a relieved patient, smiling and grateful and the smiles of Gabriel :-)
Nicolas :Changeable weather. The clouds are brought by tiredness and interior tension created by the huge cap between poor and rich. The more frequent sunshine periods are due to meal shared with the guards on our front porch, time at the beach in family and the discovery of the Liberian culture.

Best wishes to all,

Melvina Nicolas Théotime Siméon and Gabriel