
28 Jan, 2019

Our parents

We had the great pleasure to spend a more than 3 weeks with our parents, including 10 days of holiday. They arrived without any problems on December, 26th, the suitcases were real Father Christmas' sacks! The boys were really excited and joy was in our house! A big fish was waiting for them in the oven and house decorated waiting to celebrated Christmas… despite the heat.

Sharing our new environment with them was really precious! Our life on the compound with the beautiful beach and its coconut trees, but also the reality of a really busy and intense daily life: school and work, unexpected visitors at the door…



They had their share of African adventures: We have traveled from the North-East (Gbarnga, Yekepa) to the West (Robertsport), cooked at candlelight, had concert of mice during the night, car breakdown (and repairs!), long dirt roads with holes and bumps, tense moment where Henri Dès (Swiss singer for kids) started to be too much for some ears… after more than 2h of listening, let's clarify! :-)


The DIY grand-dad had work: small gate to avoid having the small one running on the road, the toilet flush is working again, the washing machine does not leak anymore and even a solar water heating system is in place!


As you see, we did not have much time to spend on an hammock!

Thank you to them for this precious time that gave us energy for the next months.

Best wishes to all,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel