She can not hide itself

03 Mar, 2019

She can not hide itself. She is visible everywhere. So present that she seems to be part of the landscape. That she could almost become bucolic! On the surface. Nine months that we are mixing with her and we are still not accustomed to her. She saddens us, deprive us. She requires from us wisdom. She comes and knock at our door, offer her hand at the market or at our workplaces.

And then rapidly, it is the culpability that we are fighting. Who I am to have this privilege? To leave in the opposite camp? When they are condemned in this camp. And comes the anger against so much injustice. The anger against ourselves Humans. Where did our paths diverged? When did the gap started to be dug? It is not a gap it is a abyss. And the despair will be stronger than anger… and then sadness…

Happily, we often meet her with a name. Mona, Love, Mary, Jerry, … And in the middle of this turmoil emerges a sound feeling that bring closer. The feeling of compassion. [1] This feeling teaches us that when it is shared, it will help to go forward. Helping… yes from time to time we can really help! It is like a small drop of water that we throw in their ocean. But its radiance shine through the glint of gratefulness in their eyes. This glints, we experienced them here. From time to time…

Poverty, February 2019
[1]Luke 10:36,37 (NIV): From the Good Samaritan, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

To your calendars!

We have decided to spend some time in Switzerland this summer. We have therefore booked our flights and are looking forward to this! (our dates: June, 13th to August, 14 2019).

In addition to revitalizing ourselves and spending time with families, this trip aims at giving an overview of our work in Liberia to our supporters, our sending churches, at SIM and at the SME. We will also take some time planning the next steps. We are indeed thinking of working in Liberia longer than the 2 years initially planned.

We are also looking forward to meet you! Therefore, we are planning an "open doors - sharing our experience" day on the June, 16th in Vevey from 10:00am (to the evening!). More information will follow later.

Best wishes to all,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel