What is happening on Sundays  ?

29 Apr, 2019

To find a local church that is adapted to our family need was not a piece of cake ! Preach too long, music too loud, assembly too large, too many kids ! Here in Liberia, the children attend generally to their own service separated from the adults.

We finally had a crush

In September, we decided to attend to our church (that is part of the evangelical churches of Liberia) because it is a small church… about 60 adults and 30 kids !

In the main church, the sound system covers the noise of the generator and it’s the drum that took the place of the djembe. We sing a mix of African and traditional songs. We don’t always understand what we are singing (in Liberian English !), but we are trying to follow with answering and clapping ! The preaches are lively and quite practical.

Sunday school

So that Théotime and Siméon agreed on staying at the children’s church, Melvina little by little invested herself to bring some new ideas. She is working with Joy, a high school student full of gifts. So glad that Joy is here to help with discipline and to translate the Liberian English !

Melvina is trying to share what she experienced in the past : Telling stories while drawing, small drama, choreography,… but also the “scouts songs” or some very well known french songs adapted ! Théotime and Siméon are sometimes helping too and that makes their integration easier. And Gabriel ? Sometimes with Dad… sometimes with mum ! (no nursery)


Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel