We are back!

30 Aug, 2019

Dear friends and family, We have left you during our summer break in Switzerland, but are now ready to continue sharing our news with you.

Thank you!

But first of all, we wanted to give you a small feedback of our time in Switzerland and especially say to you a big THANK YOU! Your friendship, presence, your detour to see us a few minutes, to drink a coffee or go for a small walk and more... We keep all this precious moments in our hearts and memories. This summer was quite busy but good, intense, recharging and that thanks to you!

We had really good debriefing with SIM, the Africa commission of the SME and former missionaries that could help us in different decisions. We have found support and good advice for the future.

In Liberia

We went back mid august for Liberia. This time we had only 160 kg of luggage and we knew where we would land! The hearts were split between our families, our friends, our country and get back to our house, our routine at 5 and continuing our mission.

Here we are. The school in English, teeth to take out, computers to install. Rain, lots of rain, rice, lots of rice, ... the "usual" life regain is flow!

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel