Dental Clinic

31 Oct, 2019

First episode

I am welcoming Joseph on my dental chair this morning. A dental infection gives him a distorted face from the ear down in the neck. I look in his mouth and see 2 infected teeth, pus is also coming out of the gum. His status is alarming. I explain to him that from my point of view, it would be safer to be admitted to the hospital to get antibiotics IV.
« No money »
I understand. If I’m not doing anything, he will just go home. Due to his infection, his muscles are like frozen and he can’t open his mouth more than 1cm. Not ideal to take out the two last molars…
I’m hesitating and praying.
I’m doing my best.
The infected teeth are out of the mouth. What a relief ! I’m optimistic.

One week passes…

« Oh no, him again. And his head is even more deformed than before ! » Disappointed and sorry for hoping that « it will be fine ». I start draining the pus. « That’s the last chance ! »

A few days pass…

I’m glimpsing his son in the waiting room. Joseph is not with him. My heart starts beating. « He is in the ER » (emergency room) I should have sent him to the hospital in the first place.

Weeks pass

Joseph is feeling better. I visit him and get to know his sister Massa and his son John. We chat a bit and we laugh sometimes.

One morning I see John in the waiting room. Joseph can go home but the good news comes with a bad one : « The bill… too much ooo ! » I’m feeling powerless. My heart says « Help them ». My reason reminds me « Do not help your patients with money ». We pray together for a solution.


Joseph comes twice a week to change his dressing at the clinic. Because of the infection, we can see his bone through his cheek… this hole should close with time and patience !?

Thanks for your faithful support,

Melvina, Nicolas with Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel