
29 Jan, 2020

We recognize in the distance the squeaking sound of the wheelbarrow. "Ah Boakai is coming with his banana bread, corn bread and his fish pies". We will generally buy him a few banana bread that we will keep for a morning or afternoon snack. Boakai is 14 years old and from early morning to the evening, he sells pushing his wheelbarrow. As long as everything is not sold, no going home.


One day, he told me proudly: "Now, I am selling, but next semester, I will be able to go to school and it is my brother that will sell." "Waouh, I'm happy for you" is my answer, "Have you already been to school?". He answers positively and adds that he will continue in fifth grade, meaning 4 years behind the others students. But he is not the only one in this situation! The school little by little, it is frequent here.

A smile

Boakai, Gabriel knows him good now. As soon as he sees him, he will fetch a container for the banana bread. The end of the day is coming slowly, the small squeaking sound is coming back. We ask him: "Have you sold everything?" If the small cupboard is almost empty, we will say: "Today we take the rest" and in return we receive the most soft and grateful smile!

In one day, he will sell for around 10-12 USD. But the flour is around 1.5-2USD the kg, butter is around 1.5 USD the 300 gr, the eggs are 1 USD for 6, and the sugar, bananas, baking powder, corn,… We ask ourself how they can make a real profit. Finally, I said to Boakai, "Do you look forward not having to sell anymore?" And he answers with a smile: "After school, I will sell coole (frozen juice) and cookies and I will sell with my wheelbarrow on saturdays!".

Always polite and smiling, without complain, this young boy is teaching me a lesson. And we can understand why he will sometimes have a nap on our front porch!

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel