What next ?

29 Feb, 2020

Dear friends, dear family,

We have received several message from you asking the following question: the first two initial years are coming to an end, what next? We have realized that it was time to share with you our reflections.

In Liberia

When we look back, we can only be very grateful for how far we have come. We have left Bern in December 2017 without knowing what would come! And today we have found our marks in a country, a culture, a work, a language, a school… everything quite different from back home! All of this required and still requires continuous adaptation. But we have found a balance. This is to say that our time in Liberia will not be finish in June. We have officially announced and agreed with SIM that we will prolonged our engagement for at least one more year, starting in June 2020.


As many knows, Nicolas is working here as an IT consultant. But this is not his profession since he did a PhD in atmospheric sciences. But through his roles here, he is learning a lot and feels very useful. However he is feeling too that this is not is calling for longer term. We have therefore started a deeper reflection on the following question: In which direction will Nicolas goes for his next professional step ?


The kids are doing good and are enjoying very much their current class. They are only 5! However from the start of the new school year in August, there will be changes. A school in collaboration with the different organizations located on the same compound (MAF, Samaritan Purse and SIM) will open, run as a satellite school from Dakar Academy (Senegal). Actually our boys are in the classroom of the Samaritan Purse, but this was only a temporary solution. So we are very grateful!

To conclude, we have booked our flights to spend some time in Switzerland this summer. We are currently planning our stay and are looking forward to see you here and there ! (The dates: June 20 to August 14).

Thank you for your fidelity !

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel