Challenging time

26 Mar, 2020

I guess you won’t deny if I tell you that we are going through a challenging time. Liberia has now only a few cases of Coronavirus patient, but schools are closed, churches and restaurants too. Only 10 people at the time are accepted at the shops and « street food » selling is forbidden. Yes, we can say that the virus has now reached Africa.

As a family

In addition to all this, we, as a family, are going through a hard time. Beginning of march, Melvina discovers that she is pregnant. It is a shock, a surprise baby! For all her pregnancies, Melvina suffered from « hyperémèse gravidique » which means extreme vomiting. What should happen, happened. On March 19th, Melvina is evacuated with a private jet from Liberia to Switzerland. She was very much dehydrated and needed care at the hospital.

Nicolas and the boys tried 2 times to fly back to Switzerland. But their flights were canceled and then Monrovia airport decided to close its doors to all commercial flights. They are now on a list at the Embassy, waiting for a repatriate flight. We don’t know when that will be.

Melvina is now discharged from the hospital and quarantined in her parents home without them ! (They are in their chalet).

Small clarification

Melvina could receive care in Liberia at the ELWA Hospital. But because the hospital is the only one with oxygen and because the situation could become very intense with the virus cases, we decided with the medical director that Melvina needed to go back to Switzerland for a time. This was a wise decision.

We will keep you posted about the situation. And more than ever, we thank you for your great support ! With Love,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel