Our stay in Switzerland

05 May, 2020


Weeks are passing quickly and we finally wanted to update you on our situation.

We are very thankful to have been spared by the CoVid. Every body is healthy. Melvina is still receiving treatment at home but feels much better already. We hope that it will keep improving in the next weeks.

The boys are getting adjusted to their new "home". There is some tensions and tiredness in the air but we feel that they are adapting slowly. Théotime and Siméon will be joining a class in the neighboring village already next week. For now, Nicolas is doing school with them every morning.

Next months !?

Currently, there is no possibility for us to return to Liberia. The virus is expanding in the country. The airport is closed and it is impossible to know how long this situation will last. In addition, Melvina can not give birth in Liberia (SIM regulations), we are therefore planning to go back after the birth, by the end of 2020.

Nicolas is still working for the hospital remotely and is daily in contact with his student. Before leaving, he setup a system to be able to remotely access the IT infrastructure. In the same time, he is taking care of all the administration and is looking for a position as civil servant (mandatory in Switzerland for men). He still have some months to do, and that could provide some incomes.

Do we still need support?

The cost of living in Switzerland is of course higher than in Africa. In addition, we still have some costs in Liberia (salary of homeworkers and rent for our house for a total of around 750 CHF). Your support is therefore still very precious for those months in Switzerland without other incomes. And naturally, for the months with incomes - we hope for a civil servant position - we will keep your donations for our work in Liberia. We want to tell our committed donors that everybody is free and that we are very grateful for those first two years ! Unexpected events are challenging but we still feel deep in our hearts that we are called to work for the very poor.

In our next newsletter, we will share more about the situation in Liberia.

With love,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel