News from Liberia

07 Jun, 2020

We hear that Africa is less affected by the virus than the rest of the world. Yes, some numbers seem to indicate that this is true. However, how to know for sure? In average, african countries have realized 68.5 tests for 100'000 habitants, versus 2271 in Europe. In addition, half of the tests have been realized by South Africa and Ghana (according to an analyze from Reuters agency).


You understand, we cannot give you a reliable case number. ELWA Hospital receives everyday patients that show all the virus' symptoms. It is the only hospital that can produce oxygen. There is no intensive care unit in the country! The chief medical officer, Dr. Bryant, is fighting daily with his team so that these patients can survive. Not later than last week, he asked that we pray for the supply of masks, gloves and disinfectants that are almost out of supply. ELWA is the only hospital that has its maternity clinic open and working despite the crisis.

The public hospitals are working at a very reduced pace. Their maternity wards are closed as most of their out patient departments. Most of them have also very low supply of oxygen…

The economy

If the situation is quite different from the one in Europe, it is no the less alarming. The economical consequences are catastrophic. The prices are going up, some have even doubled. Most of the people leave with the money that they earn each day. They don't have any savings. Imagine then how their situation is when the government issues a lock-down that forbids them to do their daily business?! They found themselves in desperate situations.

The dental clinic sees less patients than usual. This is due to the lock-down that imposes heavy restrictions on the public transport. The price of a trip have doubled! People have then difficulties to move in order to get to the hospital.

The hospital and the dental clinic see their revenues strongly decrease. In addition, the guesthouse, who brings a substantial financial support, is closed. We understand that needs are numerous and everywhere (!), but if you would like to support financially this work, you can make a donation through SIM UK, using this link, with the mention: Liberia COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (LR95214).

Thank you for reading us and your continuous support,

With love,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel