4 days to debrief two years?

20 Aug, 2020

It is in Côte-aux-Fées that we settled down for these days of family debriefing. The two big ones came a little backwards but Christian had planned everything: a box of playmobils and a box of lego were waiting for them! He started by calling out to them "go get me a car, we'll create a road!".

The atmosphere relaxes. A road unfolds on a long roll of paper. It symbolizes our journey from our departure in Africa (May 2018) to today. "Write, draw, cut and paste!"... images that reflect your joys, your beautiful discoveries, but also your sorrows, challenges and disappointments. Not one, not two, everyone does it. After a moment of collaboration, the kids can finally open the famous boxes and play while Mom and Dad share their experiences, doubts and questions with Christian.


On the second day, we take a special time to talk about the last few months. A baby in mommy's belly makes her sick and what follows is what you know! Talking about one's emotions is not easy at any age. To make the process easier, Christian suggests a cute little dog drawn in all its moods: the discussion becomes "what dog were you when Mommy had to leave for Switzerland? And when you had to go to school in Switzerland?". We are grateful for what the children have been able to express in this way!

Nice things to keep

The rest of the trip focuses on a simple little project: each one draws a suitcase to put all the beautiful things he wants to keep preciously from this first time in Liberia. Then, on small notes we also write the sadness, fears and difficulties we went through. The next day, in all simplicity, we gather for a time of prayer where, together, we can place the little notes in Jesus' heart. Then each one shares with joy the contents of his suitcase and we thank our God for all these treasures collected on our way between Switzerland and Liberia!

Thank you

We thank Christian for his listening, his professionalism and his very helpful and enriching sharing. And we also thank Grandma Monique for taking the children for a few hours on Wednesday and Thursday so that we could have quality time between adults without the inevitable interruptions "Mom, he stole my horse!", "Me want to draw!", "Come with me to the toilet!".

Little info

Nicolas starts his civil service in September and we hope to go back to Liberia - with 6 of us! - after Christmas! Baby should show up in early November.

With our friendship to all of us.

Melvina, Nicolas, Theotime, Simeon and Gabriel