Birth of Caleb

18 Nov, 2020

It is with joy and gratitude that we announce the birth of Caleb! He arrived on November 11th at 7:03 am. With his 51.5 cm and his 3kg600, he is not a small weight and looks strangely like his brothers!

Everything went all well and we take our marks with 6, little by little. As you can imagine, we are far from being bored!


Nicolas finished his civil service just in time to welcome Caleb and be a support at home. He is already preparing our departure administratively, making the various orders for materials to take with us (e.g. mosquito nets, French school supplies, computer equipment) and working remotely for Liberia.

We are preparing to go back to Liberia in January. A date has not yet been fixed because we are still waiting for the opening date of the school for Théotime and Siméon.

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon, Gabriel and Caleb