A few obstacles in our way

14 Dec, 2020

We are very grateful that the health situation is not an obstacle to our future return to Liberia. Covid19 is also present in the tropics but apparently less strongly (climate, young population...).

The children's school will reopen around February 1st.

We were hoping to leave the 3rd week of January, but some unforeseen events disrupted our plans.


Gabriel is having problems with his tonsils and his adenoids. After consulting a specialist, we now have to do a cortisone treatment. But it is possible that he still needs an operation. If this were the case, our departure would be delayed by several weeks. And Melvina has some complications with her pelvis (perineum). First of all, it requires intensive physiotherapy and rest.

Delayed departure?

In view of these elements, you will understand that we cannot for the moment set a date for our next departure. We are looking forward to resume our project more actively but we still need to be patient. Nicolas can still work at a distance and also be a support for Melvina who cannot do too much.

Thank you for your faithful support and all your little words on the occasion of Caleb's birth!

The update of our finances will follow as promised.

With Love,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon, Gabriel and Caleb