Flights booked for February!

02 Feb, 2021

That's it, we have booked our flights to finally return to Liberia! The departure is scheduled for February 25th. Until then, we have a lot of work to do. Packing 250kg of luggage is not done in 2 days: what it already weighs 20kg!? But we haven't put anything in it! And all the books? And the little bike for Gabriel? And the computer equipment... The bottle sterilizer for the maternity, the duplo/playmo, the new Monopoly, enough clothes for everyone (they have grown in 10 months!). And in fact, their crocs are already too small? Or too worn out ?), the new mosquito nets, the list is long... without forgetting some cheese and chocolate if we still have room !!

In spite of the round trips already made, the administrative hassles don't give us much rest either! Taxes, health insurances, civil liability, mobile subscriptions, etc etc. etc.

Gabriel Gabriel underwent tonsil and vegetative surgery on Tuesday, January 19. The operation went well. We are very grateful! He is still recovering. We hope that within 4 weeks, our little man will have filled up a little and that he will have recovered some of his joy of life. Melvina is also recovering nicely thanks to the physio. Her situation is well stabilized.

If we rejoice? Of course, we all navigate in a grey zone: the joy of finding our home, our friends, of continuing our project, ... and the sadness of leaving our families and friends.

Thanks again to all of you for your support during these Swiss months! See you soon for more tropical news,

Melvina, Nicolas, Theotime, Simeon, Gabriel and Caleb