Finally a real program!

30 Apr, 2021

Months of work in advance

Imagine a word file by patient, sorted in the year of their first visit. You all remember the year of your first visit to your dentist, don't you? So imagine 53,000 files stored on a shared hard drive and... when you look for Mohammed Jallah, your computer, guess what? Well, it takes its time!

In Switzerland, the majority of dental practices and clinics have programs that are more efficient than the others. However, these programs require a license which costs money. We could not invest in such a program. So Nicolas looked for free alternatives. OpenMRS is a program created by volunteers and designed for clinics that are developing mainly in less developed countries. Their goal is to improve the health system by offering support and a program adapted to the needs. We discussed it, imagined it and hoped for it. Nicolas programmed it, tweaked it, modified it, adapted it etc... Our new program for the dental clinic was born. On Saturday, April 24th, we had a training day and the following Monday, we registered our first patients.

Doubled challenge

We sweated doubly during that first week: First, to get everything working, to get each team member to know how to write notes, create invoices, enter a diagnosis... but second, our generators decided to get sick that same week! Power cuts at all times, no air conditioners, no strawberries, and a lot of sweating!

However, we are grateful for this nice step. We still need some time to get the total amount of the day and the money counted to match! But every day we are getting closer to our goal!

Quiz Results

Thank you to all the participants of Simeon's pineapple quiz. The lucky winner is Martine Rochat with 4.35kg for a real weight of 4.5kg! Well done!

Melvina, Nicolas, Theotime, Simeon, Gabriel and Caleb