All around

01 Sep, 2021

It is the beginning of September already and we are in the middle of our rainy season. We heard that in Switzerland too, you know the rain this summer!


These last months have been very busy. The little school where Théotime and Siméon were in suddenly closed because of a lack of teachers. We had to enroll Théotime and Siméon in a private school (American system) outside the campus. The rhythm will be heavy because they will leave at 7:15 am and come back at 4:45 pm. We really hope that this new school adaptation will go smoothly for them. Four other kids from campus are also going to the same school. The morning cab will be busy!


After doing as many tests as possible and trying several treatments for Gabriel, we find that he is still suffering from the same symptoms (fatigue/pallor). The blood tests show an Eosinophilia - for the more curious -. We had to make the decision to come back to Switzerland to find out how to treat Gabriel. Melvina, Gabriel and Caleb will arrive in Geneva on September 9th for an unknown period.


We have the pleasure to have our goddaughter, Célia, with us since the beginning of August. We were able to take a week of vacation and travel to Northern Liberia with her. It was really a rich experience for all of us: short motorcycle rides, walking through rice plantations, muddy and slippery roads, villages full of goats... and as a bonus, a dead mouse in our bed in the morning! (Fortunately Melvina didn't know anything during the night!) We were hosted, guided and fed by the Sheppard family, another SIM family, the only one outside the SIM campus in town. We were able to learn more about their Bible translation work and meeting the many local children they care for. Thanks to them!

The little info: we also moved to the house next door!

Thank you for continuing to follow us faithfully. Friendly Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon, Gabriel and Caleb