Our agenda

19 Feb, 2022

Dear friends, dear families,

It is time for us to share with you in a few words the plans for the next few months.

We have been keeping you informed about Gabriel's health for over 18 months now. Since it did not get better after taking the anti-parasite medication, we continued the investigations we could do here in Liberia. After many discussions with different doctors, we came to the conclusion that we had to come back to Switzerland to continue the investigations (colonoscopy, biopsy of the intestines, CT scan...). After a call with two doctors in Switzerland, they suggested a hospitalization at the CHUV (University hospital in Lausanne) to be able to do all the analyses in a more condensed way and to have all the specialists "at hand". They also strongly advised to stay in Switzerland for a minimum of 3 months in order to have more time to find an adequate treatment.

For this reason, we plan to return to Switzerland in mid-March.

A time to make the most of

During these months in Switzerland, we will take the opportunity to do different things:

  • Melvina will have an operation for a carpal tunnel that has been bothering her for years but has recently become more annoying (6 weeks of recovery after the operation)
  • We will have training times: at All Nations in England (April) and a seminar for SIM leaders in Austria (May). The purpose of these trainings is to equip us and develop tools to be good leaders and to know how to take care of a team composed of people from different cultures.
  • In June we will participate in a family debriefing camp for missionary families in Interlaken.

Our daily life in Liberia is very intense and with added challenges like Gabriel's health, tensions in the team, frequent power cuts and therefore short nights, disappointments with Liberian friends,... we have reached a stage of exhaustion that we should not underestimate.

So we also plan to simply recharge our batteries!

We thank God. Despite the challenges, He is watching over our passion and motivation to accomplish our mission!

With our affection. Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon, Gabriel and Caleb