Back to Liberia

16 Sep, 2023

At last, we're back with some news! First of all, thanks to all those who were able to attend our sharing evening in Vevey in June. It was a very encouraging evening for us, and we hope that the Liberian flavours accompanied you for a few days.

We've been back in Liberia for a month now, and it feels like we've already lived through at least 3 of them! The children are back at school and Gabriel is very proud to have joined the "big school" and to have his Dakar Academy T-shirt (photo). As for Caleb, he's waiting impatiently for his turn! In fact, he's ready and will soon be able to join the preschool.

A year as directors

Nicolas and I celebrated our first year as leaders. It's been a challenging year, but we're continuing to tackle the task we've been given. At our first team meeting, we reviewed the goals we had set ourselves last year.

First shared goals for September 2022 and our personal assessment:

  • Team unity - in progress
  • State of finances - in progress
  • Generator overhaul - in progress
  • Relationship between SIM and ELWA - improved
  • Hospital governance and quality of care - in progress
  • An appointment with each missionary - not achieved
  • Share SIM's 6 core values - achieved
  • Improve security department - in progress
  • Hospital, higher standards and separated governance - in progress
  • Housing (renovations, distribution, finances...) - in progress
  • Relations with external partners (SP, MAF, Mercy Ships, etc.) - improved
  • Campus life / children's activities - improved

New goals for the next 12 months :

  • Continue to work on team unity
  • Improve financial situation
  • Review generators
  • Hospital governance and quality of care
  • Improve campus security
  • Strengthen our leadership team
  • Strengthening ELWA management

As you can see, we're learning that when a big ship changes course, it takes lots and lots of time and even more patience.

Focus on the dental clinic

Things are going well at the clinic. The first 7 students are about to start their second year of training and will graduate in June 2024! An incredible milestone for Liberia, given that this is the country's first dental school. The school will welcome 8 new students and start a second intake in November this year. Renju and Serin, two dentists from India, have come with their two children to reinforce our dental team. It's a blessing to have them with us!

Focus on our finances

We've been living off your donations for nearly 6 years now, and we're grateful that it's possible! However, we have to share with you that as our budget has increased (3 children in school, Caleb now also pays for a seat when traveling, notable inflation in Liberia...) and donations have decreased, we are actively looking for new donors! A one-off donation or a monthly sum - anything is possible! If you would like to support us, please contact Melvina or SIM Switzerland directly ( And of course, we can't say it enough, but THANK YOU to all our loyal donors! Without you, we couldn't accomplish our mission here in Liberia.

Classified ads

  • We are looking for a young person to come and work as an "au pair", supervising the afternoon French lessons given to our 3 school-age boys. The children attend school in English. Other commitments on the ELWA campus possible in the mornings. Basic English required (local language). Voluntary, min. 2-month commitment. If interested, contact Melvina!
  • SIM Liberia on the ELWA campus is looking for an accountant to help bring the finances up to date and to train local staff in the IT tools used. Volunteer, minimum 4-month commitment, good knowledge of English required. Contact:
  • ELWA Hospital is looking for missionary doctors (general practitioners, pediatricians, surgeons, emergency physicians, etc.). Minimum 6-month commitment. Contact:

Join us in prayer

For our resilience and resistance to stress. For discernment in what God is asking us to do. The to-do list never ends! Gabriel's health is always a subject of prayer. But we praise God for the joy of watching them play with their campus friends every day after school! Pray with us for peaceful and transparent elections.

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon, Gabriel and Caleb