
29 Mar, 2018

The end of the courses

It is already two weeks since we have left our English life. Our time in England has ended well. The kids had adjusted and had started to speak a few words in English! We have made the most of the courses and talked about challenging subjects such as suffering, forgiveness and resilience.


Flights booked!

We will fly to Monrovia on Mai 6th, early in the morning. Before that, we have still enough to keep us busy. The administrative tasks do not let our evenings calm and relaxing once the kids are in bed! For example: our directory, which contains the necessary documents for Melvina license in Liberia, consists of 19 files (recommendations' letters, certificates, diploma, ... and their English translations)! On the health side, we have more than 10 appointments in 4 different Swiss cities!

Thank you!

Despite this heavy workload, we are very grateful to be able to stay at Melvina's parents place who help a lot with meals, transport and childcare! Thank you!

On Sunday, March 25th, quite a few people attended our goodbye party in Vevey! It was a wonderful afternoon. We had only time to speak a few minutes with each one, but every face and every smile remembered us about friendships and support. What a gift!

It is from Château-d'Oex, in the Swiss Alps, that we wish you a happy Easter time! We immerse ourselves in the beautiful mountains and try to have some rest :-)

Best wishes,

Melvina, Nicolas, Théotime, Siméon and Gabriel
